Wednesday 31 March 2010

Self-assessment to China's property bubbles. New

I've listened this report many times, because i could not understand that economic specialist said. Speaking was too fast and quiet.

China's property bubbles. New

I've listened new report about situation in red-hot markets in China. There are not a lot of anything new, just some additions.

The government of China made pronouncement about economic growth. Some specialists argue about what currency has more influence on China's economy- US dollar or British pound. But Irrespective of that, China has a great potential as one of the greatest countries in economy.

There are still main problem - "bubbles" on the property markets in China. Prices are too high, there are excellent sphere for development of speculations and bureaucracy. These "bubbles" are bound to pop.

One question remains about help of the government and how it is going to build up investing and financial structure.

China's property bubbles. New

Sunday 14 March 2010

Self-assessment to China's Property Bubble

As a whole this report is not difficult for listening, I've recognized some economic terms, which we learn. But there was a problem. I've confused some words which are similar at the pronunciation.

China's Property Bubbles

        I'm going to tell you about report I've listened to. It is about one of the most important problem in Chinese economy - bubbles in property market.

        The Premier opened The National Congress in China by congratulations Chinese people by having a merge first in global downturn. There is warning about that Chinese economy can become a runaway train. The Premier said that a good reason to celebrate is sparkling growing figures, but on the other hand Chinese economy can be brought to boom.

      The government of China faced to problem of controlling the inflation. The Central Bank is twice moved to reduce bank landing. 

     A leading economist in China warns about a bubbles in its property market. According to Wang Jianmao, professor from china Europe International Business School in Shanghai, prices in Chinese property market are raised too high if to talk about measure of difference between property prices and the rental. It will take  half a century to recover one's investment, which means that investing can become unreasonable.

   He also calls the policy of the government a "shotgun", which kills all "birds": good "birds" and bad "birds". It hurts all sectors of Chinese economy. Professor proposed to introduce capital gains taxes, which should be paid by people who want to sell their houses. A lot of people will be get a benefit from it. 

   In conclusion, Chinese economy is becoming bigger and bigger owing to household's savings and national reserves.