Monday 31 May 2010

Self-assessment to China's property appetite

Unfortunately, a lot of phrases and words were too unclear to me and difficult for listening. That's why my report is so small. But I think that I learn these words later and I will be able to understand reports on this topic

China's property appetite

I would like to tell you about new report concerning already well-known Chinese economic problem - property bubbles and factors which cause that.

A lot of investors really are afraid of possibility of a property bubble in China. The Chinese property market is seeing phenomenal boost in prices.

Real estate market in China that is showing signs of recovering from the global property downturn are now in danger of becoming too hot.As fast as China's cities are growing , they are produce more office towers and malls than can be leased for years to come.The Chinese property market is seeing phenomenal growth in prices

Many specialists worry that the demand isn't real and that banks increase the prices.Also they consider that the government should control bank lending and prices and do not let them rise so rapidly.

Saturday 15 May 2010

Self-assessment to Defaulting on Debt

This report was not difficult for listening, because there are a lot of terms known to me. And the subject of this report is very important in economics, so I have not faced to that for the first time.

Defaulting on Debt

I've heard about some predictions about development of the next crisis.

New chapter of the financial crisis. Several countries can default on their governments' bonds.

This problem is likely to be about suffered debts, the bonds which government used to borrow money from investors. As a whole, country's budget deficits become bigger and bigger, so government increasingly needs to sell bonds to fill the funds.

One of the leading economists, Tom Smith, gives the one of the possible predictions about crisis. It is that some nations will be unable to repay investors' money, they will default on their bonds. If a person can buy a bond, he can lend money to government and have interest on this money during fixed period. Quite often government has to borrow more money to repay previous borrowing. Lenders start worrying whether government can repay money. Fact is that higher the level of government's debt the larger amount of money government needs to borrow each year. But there is a point when government can not go on and can not insure the fund.

The President of the Independent Strategy reported about possible consequences of increasing of that. First of all, new crisis, which is called the credit crisis, may be caused by that the large banks lend too much money and consumers borrow too much money. It lets government borrow themselves. So, the initial problem of crisis is too much credits. To reduce the real value of the debt the state has to increase the taxes or create inflation.

So, the consequences may be reflected in unexpected measures of economic policy, devaluation of currency and changes in other key economic indicators.

Monday 10 May 2010

Self-assessment to China's currency policy

This report was difficult for listening, if it is said about listening of particular phrases. But main idea is clear.

China's currency policy and information overload.(for April)

I'm going to tell you about report from China on its currency policy I've listened to.

According to economic specialists, the most important decision in economy is changing the rate of China's currency, affects not only China's economy, but also other economies, especially economy of USA. That's why, the longest disputes are disputes about attitude of the Chinese currency to the U.S.

Another reason for this is that, as American economists said, China is the one of the greatest country exporting the products of fuel and energy industry, which are very important for other countries, so this product should be cheap for export.

This disputes can bring these countries to falling out. Still remains the question, if China will change its currency. One specialist said:"There is should be cooperation - not confrontation."

Thursday 15 April 2010


On the whole, this report was not difficult for listening. I understand even speaking with accent!!!!!!!!!!

China in Africa: China's top ambassador there

There's a new China's period power Africa. China's Special Representative talked about what China's motive in Africa is.

It is worth saying that more than 50 countries take part in development of African countries. For China is a new economic emerging, because Africa is opportunities. There are opportunity of doing business, opportunity to realize development, to help Africa and so on.

China as a country with the greatest growing economy wants to provide reliable supply of minerals and energy. The are commercial profits, mutual benefit.

China takes part in development of Zimbabwe. China doesn't help Zimbabwe, China supports people of Zimbabwe, providing unity and stability. Of course, China's company wish to make money by helping African countries.

According to President of African Development Bank, the investments in extractive industries play a really great role in development of Africa.

Wednesday 31 March 2010

Self-assessment to China's property bubbles. New

I've listened this report many times, because i could not understand that economic specialist said. Speaking was too fast and quiet.

China's property bubbles. New

I've listened new report about situation in red-hot markets in China. There are not a lot of anything new, just some additions.

The government of China made pronouncement about economic growth. Some specialists argue about what currency has more influence on China's economy- US dollar or British pound. But Irrespective of that, China has a great potential as one of the greatest countries in economy.

There are still main problem - "bubbles" on the property markets in China. Prices are too high, there are excellent sphere for development of speculations and bureaucracy. These "bubbles" are bound to pop.

One question remains about help of the government and how it is going to build up investing and financial structure.

China's property bubbles. New

Sunday 14 March 2010

Self-assessment to China's Property Bubble

As a whole this report is not difficult for listening, I've recognized some economic terms, which we learn. But there was a problem. I've confused some words which are similar at the pronunciation.

China's Property Bubbles

        I'm going to tell you about report I've listened to. It is about one of the most important problem in Chinese economy - bubbles in property market.

        The Premier opened The National Congress in China by congratulations Chinese people by having a merge first in global downturn. There is warning about that Chinese economy can become a runaway train. The Premier said that a good reason to celebrate is sparkling growing figures, but on the other hand Chinese economy can be brought to boom.

      The government of China faced to problem of controlling the inflation. The Central Bank is twice moved to reduce bank landing. 

     A leading economist in China warns about a bubbles in its property market. According to Wang Jianmao, professor from china Europe International Business School in Shanghai, prices in Chinese property market are raised too high if to talk about measure of difference between property prices and the rental. It will take  half a century to recover one's investment, which means that investing can become unreasonable.

   He also calls the policy of the government a "shotgun", which kills all "birds": good "birds" and bad "birds". It hurts all sectors of Chinese economy. Professor proposed to introduce capital gains taxes, which should be paid by people who want to sell their houses. A lot of people will be get a benefit from it. 

   In conclusion, Chinese economy is becoming bigger and bigger owing to household's savings and national reserves.


Sunday 28 February 2010

self-assessment to China Crisis

It was difficult to listen fast speaking and "swallowing" of syllables in some words.

China crisis

I've listened interview with two popular investors, Altony Bolton and James Chanos. 

International funds forecast that economic growth in China will reach 10% in this year and the economy of China can overtake Japan as the second biggest economy in the world with the biggest stock market.

According to Altony Bolton, there are power shifts in the intentions of the west investors. investments go to the East. If the Chinese economy becomes the biggest, it will be the proof of that.

But there is the other site of economic growth in China. Problem is the emergence of red-hot property markets which can burst like bubbles. Although the government is cutting on landing, investors think that China is heading for fall.

According to James Chanos, demand on property market can not outstrip supply, The prices are so high that people even in urban areas can not afford to buy residential property. Also he has said that the government "forces" to buy fixed assets to reach the growth.


It was very difficult for me to listen and understand that report . I've understood small parts of it, which i've written. Some noises in that report hindered my concentration. Sometimes the reporter spoke very fast and i could not understand him and guinean journalist, which spoke with accent.


I've listened to report about economic and financial situation in Guinea.Guinea is the one of the largest export-country in the world. Inspite of that Guinea is very cash poor. Guinea is called local scandal. It is rich by minerals, gold and diamonds, but people have very little profit from that. New government has promised to struggle with corruption and follow business interests. The previous government has chosen to negotiate a lot of contracts with home producers. According to guinean financial journalist, the govenment wanted to win a support of guineans by increasing capital. After that a lot of factories and plants were closed. People were indignant by corruptoin and exploitation. They had decided to hold peaceful demonstration, which was dispersed by soldiers. The government ordered to open fire. After this the investigation was hold.
There also a lot of disputes about contract between China and Guinea. The Chinese International Fund has decided to invest 79 billion of dollars in infrastructure of Guinea. It does not look realistic, because it is impossible to invest in a place, which so financially limited.


I want to admit that i have some difficulties in listening. First, i do not know enough terms and words,but i know i will learn them! Second, i should get used to different pronounciations, accents and fast speaking.

Capitalism in communist China

I have listened interview with professor of Cambridge University about the model capitalism in China. Capitalism means that firms and consumers can make their own decisions, but communism makes decisions centrally. Journalist and professor are discussing how these 2 models can co-exist in the same space. In communism a big part of firms is monopolized be state and controlled in prices. If a person wants to be individual in China and he has a bright idea, he will has one problem: private sector has not channel to raise money, because part of banks is controlled by central government. So it is hard to raise money through bank system. Good way for interpreneurs is to identify some business opportunities in local government sector and ask help from it. In this case it helps get money from bank to do business. China is country where state controls capitalism to activate economy and provide market with supply . According to professor, Chinese workers has a more freedom now than before, they can move from city to city. Financial system is the top of China. It is very important to make the system more flexible to accomodate eventual capital requirements. Government also try to solve the problem of riches and poors, which can destroy the society.